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IMPORTANTE: Los plazos de entrega para artículos que no tenemos en tienda y hay que pedir a fábrica pueden demorarse entre 24 horas y 9 días (15 días a Baleares).

Peine trimming Solokade 2010

Peine trimming Solokade 2010

Disponibilidad: En existencias

Antes: 25.95

Ahora: 23.36

Thinning knife Solorake 2010-

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** Recuerda que los plazos de entrega para artículos que no tenemos en tienda y hay que pedir a fábrica pueden demorarse entre 24 horas y 9 días.


The Sologroom range has been reviewed and re-branded! This fabulous mane and tail thinner provides a pain free, pulled look. SoloRake is two headed to save time and money and it will work on the most sensitive animal. The rubber grip handle and well balanced tool enables the SoloRake to fit comfortably in your hand. The coarse blade (9 teeth) works brilliantly on thick, full tails and manes, or horse that hasn't been tidied before. It manages a large amount of hair easily and efficiently leaving a tidy finish in minutes. It is perfect for native show animals that need to look tidy but still untouched. The thinner blades (17 teeth) are perfect for the average type of mane or tail. It is brilliant to finish thick manes and tails after they have been shaped by the other blades.

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